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The Tigger and Kanga class is a multi-age group of children ages 3 and up. This group is in a wonderful transitional time where their minds are developing quickly as they are preparing for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten. There is a wide variety of activities in centers like the building corner, the science area, reading areas, the listening station, playdough table, the light table, as well as a housekeeping area for dress-up and dramatic play. The curriculum is well-balanced in preparing the children for elementry both academically and socio-emotionally.

Sample daily schedule:


09:00 to 10:00: Indoor-Outdoor Play / Art Projects

10:00 to 10:30: Snack

10:30 to 11:00: Circle & Story Time

11:00 to 12:00: Outdoor Play

12:00 to 12:15: Story Time

12:15 to 12:45: Lunch Time

12:45 to 01:00: Circle Time

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